sexta-feira, 20 de abril de 2007


O primeiro número de Estudos de Comunicação (Universidade da Beira Interior) já está disponível on-line em Labcom. Há também a edição em papel, que custa €25.

Escreve João Carlos Correia no editorial:

  • This is the first issue of Communication Studies (Estudos em Comunicação), published by Labcom (Online Communication Lab of the University of Beira Interior, Portugal). The general subject of study of this first issue is Communication and Politics including, among others, essays focused on the following topics: journalism and public sphere; journalism and democratic deliberation; ethical and political problems concerning the representation of politics by news media; media regulation and Public Service Broadcasting; the role of intellectuals in the public sphere during different periods of European history; the status of emotion in practical philosophy regarding the pursuit of the good life; impact of regional media on democratic deliberation and representation; epistemological status of journalism in what concerns the enlightment of well-informed citizens; analysis of media discourse on electoral campaigns; the rule of audiences in the building of political meaning; empirical work on the role and attitude of government communication professionals regarding external public communication about policy intentions, and theoretical examinations of concepts such as "deliberation'' or "public sphere'' among others.

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