sexta-feira, 22 de maio de 2009


At the Moscow State University department of journalism, international journalists will meet at an event entitled "Content, channels and audiences in the new millennium: interaction and interrelations". The programme committee is headed by professor Y. Zassoursky and professor E. Vartanova (Department of Journalism, MSU, Moscow State University).

Programme: The beginning of the XXI century was marked with tremendous change in international politics, economy, information and communication technologies. The emergence of new technologies, channels of distributions and content strategies has led to changes in the content and the work with the audience. The need to comprehend these changes by scientific means is now obvious. The aim of the conference is to analyse the transformations that have taken place in the media system, culture and values of mass media and mass communications on a national and global scale.

Dates: 8 - 10 October 2009

Working language: English

Themes of the sections and sessions:
• Trends in media systems
• Public sphere and the mass media
• Media policy in the digital revolution era
• Mass media and the European and global integration
• Journalism and new media
• Globalisation of the media business and glocalisation of the media content
• New methods and technologies of scientific studies
• Digital revolution in the content industry: how technologies change the ways of content delivery and consumption
• New copy rights in the age of media technologies.

The conference schedule also includes meetings with the most prominent representatives of the Russian media business, public figures and people from the artistic sphere: musicians, artists and writers. Registration fee: the participation in the conference is possible only if the participant submits a registration fee. The rates are: 3500 rubles for foreign participants; 2000 rubles for participants from the Commonwealth of Independent States. The registration fee includes: participation in the sessions and all the other events during the conference; participation of presentations; coffee and lunch meals; buffet at the closing ceremony; hotel booking; invitation issuing costs (for foreign participants); transportation to the hotel (for foreign participants).

Registration deadline: 15 June 2009.

Registration form 1. Family name. 2. Given names. 3. Workplace. 4. Position, degree. 5. Telephone / fax, e-mail. 6. Theme of the presentation. 7. Summary (up to 150 characters). 8. Abstracts (up to 9000 characters).

The registration form should be sent to the following Email address:

Venue: Department of Journalism, Moscow State University, 9 Mokhovaya Street, 125009 Moscow, Russia


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