The Cultural and Creative Industries: A Review of the Literature. A Report for Creative Partnerships, por Justin O’Connor (School of Performance and Cultural industries, The University of Leeds) é um texto a editar no próximo mês.

Deixo aqui um pequeno excerto:
- This account takes a sixty year trip from ‘The Culture Industry’, through the ‘cultural industries’, ending at the ‘creative industries’. Its main theme is the tension between culture and economics which lie at the heart of this terminology. This is not simply a question of ‘art’ and ‘the market’; this is part of it, but the market in ‘cultural commodities’ has a long history and ‘artists’ have long been at home with it. In the last century the production of cultural commodities has accelerated with the development of technologies of reproduction – digitalisation following in the treads of Gutenberg; and this production has become increasingly capitalised. Commodity production is not the same as capitalism; the former has an ancient history, the latter began 500 years ago in Europe. Capitalism is animated by the principle of unlimited accumulation at the expense of all other values. ‘Art’ or ‘culture’ has always been one of the limits on, or protests against, this principle. But it did so whilst at the same time being a commodity increasingly subject to the laws of capital. Section one begins with Adorno who thought that these laws of industrial capitalism had finally abolished any kind of critical or authentic culture. In section two we look at those writers in the 1970s who felt that the cultural appeal of cultural commodities was central to their economic success and thus could not be rigidly planned or predicted. People wanted to buy things that genuinely appealed to them. This new attitude to the cultural industries produced a new kind of cultural policy, exemplified by the Greater London Council.
Obrigado a Justin O'Connor pela amabilidade no envio do ficheiro.
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