Textos de Rogério Santos, com reflexões e atualidade sobre indústrias culturais (imprensa, rádio, televisão, internet, cinema, videojogos, música, livros, centros comerciais) e criativas (museus, exposições, teatro, espetáculos). Na blogosfera desde 2002.
terça-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2012
Environment, Science Journalism, Media, and Politics: The African Perspectives, conference to be held in Zambia
Call for papers for Sixth Global Communication Association Conference, Lusaka, Zambia, July 9-12, 2012. Theme: Environment, Science Journalism, Media, and Politics: The African Perspectives. The Kasoma Media Foundation, the Media Institute of Southern Africa, and the Global Communication Association are pleased to announce the Sixth GCA Conference, to be held in Zambia from July 9-12, 2012, focusing on the environment, science journalism, media and politics. This esteemed conference will bring together diverse scholars, researchers, experts, policymakers and journalists in the aforementioned areas to not only address the challenges facing the continent and its people, but also provide a platform for global interaction and discourse on these issues. We are inviting submissions of abstracts for papers on a broad range of topics including, but not limited to:
Environment and Science Journalism
Climate change and other natural calamities
Carbon gas emissions and carbon footprint
Water policy, supply, sanitation, and resource management
Recycling, waste disposal and thinking green
Agriculture and rural development
Food security
Biodiversity and biotechnology research
Forest and wildlife management
Innovation and sustainability
Health communication
Energy and conservation
Public and environmental affairs
Eugenics and GMOs
Interactive environmental journalism
Media and Politics
Media education and pedagogy
Media framing of critical issues: Corruption, poverty, HIV/AIDS, conflict, etc.
Information and communication technologies for development
Access to information: Rural/urban and other divides
Science news as Mobilizing Information
Access and utilization of social media in reporting science
Science reporting and ethical dilemmas
Journalistic professionalism in science reporting
Democracy and media reforms in Africa
Gender, media and governance
Culture, indigenous communication systems, and science
Media and political economy
Globalization and the media: The African experiences
Deadline for abstract submissions: February 29, 2012
Acceptance note: March 28, 2012
Papers due: June 8, 2012
Abstract Guidelines
Abstracts should be between 200 and 400 words in length and include a title, author’s name, affiliation, and contact information. Submit abstracts in Microsoft Word or PDF format to Twange Kasoma (twange.kasoma@gmail.com). For information about GCA and further conference news, visit http://www.globalcomassociation.com/.
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