DVD-project is an international videoart project that is born stimulated from the Dutch Group Stichting Ide - fixe (IDFX) http://www.idfx.nl in 2005. It has been created with the intention of showing emergent and experimental videoart in diverse countries, as a democratic and accessible platform for young artists.

The videos that present must be unpublished or yielded in sole right for the own project, with a duration of 3-10 minutes. These gather in crowds in a wide subject matter, where all the genres are admitted. In DVD-project all the videos that show are for sale,on an accessible price of 50 Euros for video. The edition will be limited of 100 copies; and it includes a box also designed and signed by the own artist who forms a part of the exhibition. The rights of this acquired copy are for a individual viewed or educationally, never for commercial purposes or in centers of art, galleries, without the assent and agreement signed by the artist.
Portuguese artists are Clara Gomes, Pedro Noel da Luz, Alexandre Reigada, David Arantes, André Marques, Anabela Costa, César Rodrigues, Vera Mota, Paulo Menezes and Bruno Gaspar. Cláudia Camacho, from AntiFrame - Independent Curating Project, is the curator of Portugal.
More informations at http://www.dvdproject.org/.
[information extract from the organization]
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