terça-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2014

British pop icon (Kim Wilde), German investigative reporting (Adrian Feuerbacher) and French top level NRJ exec (Maryam Salehi)

Radiodays Europe kicks off on Sunday 23rd with three specialized workshops and four themed Dublin Tours. The workshops will be held at the conference venue CCD at 13:30 – 16:30 pm. It will be possible to participate in both workshops and Dublin tours, as some of the tours start at 11:00 am. The main conference and exhibition will start Monday 24th at 9 a.m. and will end Tuesday 25th at 4 p.m. On Monday night there will be a Radio Night event out of the ordinary for all participants.

Radiodays Europe is the largest international radio conference of its kind and had 1200 participants from 50 countries in Berlin 2013. The conference itself will cover a vast range of topics, from the latest digital challenges to new programme formats and inspiring innovations in radio. Radiodays is also an opportunity to meet all the leading figures in radio from across Europe and the world. Register on www.radiodayseurope.com.

[dica de Paula Cordeiro]

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