Textos de Rogério Santos, com reflexões e atualidade sobre indústrias culturais (imprensa, rádio, televisão, internet, cinema, videojogos, música, livros, centros comerciais) e criativas (museus, exposições, teatro, espetáculos). Na blogosfera desde 2002.
terça-feira, 21 de setembro de 2010
The journal Celebrity Studies seeks 1,000 word articles on the end of Big Brother for a special issue of its "Celebrity Forum section": after 10 seasons, the UK version of Big Brother ended in September 2010. The series has generated a range of academic scholarship which has interrogated genre and programme form, documentary truths, the construction of the real, audience participation, dumbing down, the role of Channel 4, public service broadcasting, the performance of the self, and the formation of celebrity. No doubt not the first or last call for papers on the series end, this special issue of "Celebrity Forum" solicits entries that reflect on the role the format and UK series has played in our understanding of modern fame. This special issue seeks pithy, polemic and original takes on Big Brothers' s role in contemporary celebrity culture: its economics, aesthetics, audiences and supposed democratisation or exploitation of fame. Please send 150 word abstracts with a 50 word biography to j.bennett@londonmet.ac.uk. Final articles must be no more than 1,000 words including references. Key Dates: Abstracts due: 18th October 2010, 1st draft deadline: 10th December 2010, Final Versions: 1st Feb 2011. For further information about the journal and to view an online sample copy, please visit www.tandf.co.uk/journals/rcel.
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